
Market Execution (Markedsutførelse)
Market Execution (Markedsutførelse)
cTraderFlytende spreads
Minimum: 129.00Gjennomsnitt: 141.78
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Limit og Stop-nivå0
1 tick verdi 0.01
Minimum kontraktstørrelse0.01 lot
1 lot størrelse1 BCH
1 PIP verdi per 1 lot i USD0.01 USD
Minste trinn for å øke kontraktstørrelsen0.01 lot
Marginkrav for å åpne en lockposisjon *0
Execution-modusMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Kun hvis margenivå> 100%

Spreads som tilbys er en refleksjon av det tidsveide gjennomsnittet fra 09:00 til 21:00 (GMT) for perioden 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Selv om FxPro forsøker å gi konkurransedyktige spreads i alle åpningstider, bør kundene merke seg at disse kan variere og er utsatt for underliggende markedsforhold. Ovenstående er kun gitt som veiledende formål. Kunder anbefales å sjekke viktige nyhetsbrev i vår økonomiske kalender, som blant annet kan føre til utvidelse av spreads.

Faste spreads skal bare gjelde for "Instant-ordrer". Alle andre ordretyper skal være underlagt ordre-executionpolicyen.

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash is a fork, an extension of the standard Bitcoin. Mining and usage of the leading cryptocurrency are associated with various restrictions; BCH is designed to neutralise them.

One of the main problems of bitcoin is the impossibility of significant scaling, which is also accompanied by a low transaction speed. Initially, the operation in the Bitcoin network took about 7 minutes. But the more users it gained, the more time was required to take actions. Of course, this could not suit a broad audience. Therefore experienced developers and miners created Bitcoin Cash. This crew of creators was led by Hype Yang, who in 2017 carried out a hard fork of the blockchain, which was not compatible with the original bitcoin code.

First of all, the block capacity was increased 32 times in the alternative version. At the same time, the time of transactions and transaction fees have significantly decreased. BCH is a cryptocurrency and not a platform for hosting other projects like the original coin.

By 2018, the network had grown so much that there was a need for a separate, less popular coin, Bitcoin Cash SV.

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