
Market Execution (Markedsutførelse)
Market Execution (Markedsutførelse)
cTraderFlytende spreads
Minimum: 57.00Gjennomsnitt: 67.41
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Limit og Stop-nivå0
1 tick verdi 0.01
Minimum kontraktstørrelse0.01 lot
1 lot størrelse1 AAVE
1 PIP verdi per 1 lot i USD0.01 USD
Minste trinn for å øke kontraktstørrelsen0.01 lot
Marginkrav for å åpne en lockposisjon *0
Execution-modusMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Kun hvis margenivå> 100%

Spreads som tilbys er en refleksjon av det tidsveide gjennomsnittet fra 09:00 til 21:00 (GMT) for perioden 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Selv om FxPro forsøker å gi konkurransedyktige spreads i alle åpningstider, bør kundene merke seg at disse kan variere og er utsatt for underliggende markedsforhold. Ovenstående er kun gitt som veiledende formål. Kunder anbefales å sjekke viktige nyhetsbrev i vår økonomiske kalender, som blant annet kan føre til utvidelse av spreads.

Faste spreads skal bare gjelde for "Instant-ordrer". Alle andre ordretyper skal være underlagt ordre-executionpolicyen.


Aave was created in Finland by Stani Kulechov, a young master of law and a recent graduate of the University of Helsinki. Initially, it was a decentralised crypto lending platform based on the De-Fi protocol and was used to provide an opportunity to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies at both floating and fixed fees.

Influenced by Ethereum, Stani founded his company ETHLend in 2017. In that year, the project managed a $16.2 million ICO. The main product was a new P2P platform of a similar type, like the one described above. Users might trade branded LEND tokens and manage to sell more than a billion of them before they faced a lack of liquidity as early as 2018.

The project had to be transformed and turned into Aave, which means 'ghost' in Finnish. The developers chose this name to intrigue users with a wide range of innovative technologies for decentralised finance.

However, the AAVE token appeared much later than the platform at the end of 2020. At that time, the previous LEND coins were exchanged for new ones at a ratio of 100 to 1. The Aave V2 main net, which is still operating today, went live a couple of months later, also in 2020.

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