Trade CFDs on Metals

Trade CFDer på populære indekser fra hele Europa, Asia og Amerika.

Average execution time
< 13 ms

Up to 7,000 orders executed
per second

Ultra-low latency datacentre

Populære Spot Metaller

Invester i Spot Gull og Sølv

Hvorfor handle med FxPro

Velg din plattform

FxPro MetaTrader 4
FxPro cTrader
FxPro MetaTrader 5
FxPro Edge

Trade Metaller med FxPro

Trading spot metals allows investors to expand their portfolio by taking long or short positions on spot gold and silver. We ensure that your orders are executed at the most accurate and competitive prices. Spot gold is more valuable than spot silver, but they both share strong price movements.

Trading spot metals is often considered as a safe, haven investment, especially at times of economic uncertainty. You may practice trading spot metals on a free demo account before trading on your real account.

A World of Opportunities

Trade CFDs on thousands of instruments across a wide range of asset classes from a single trading account.
