
Market Execution (Markedsutførelse)
Market Execution (Markedsutførelse)
cTraderFlytende spreads
Minimum: 198.00Gjennomsnitt: 201.11
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Limit og Stop-nivå0
1 tick verdi 0.01
Minimum kontraktstørrelse0.01 lot
1 lot størrelse1 XMR
1 PIP verdi per 1 lot i USD0.01 USD
Minste trinn for å øke kontraktstørrelsen0.01 lot
Marginkrav for å åpne en lockposisjon *0
Execution-modusMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Kun hvis margenivå> 100%

Spreads som tilbys er en refleksjon av det tidsveide gjennomsnittet fra 09:00 til 21:00 (GMT) for perioden 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Selv om FxPro forsøker å gi konkurransedyktige spreads i alle åpningstider, bør kundene merke seg at disse kan variere og er utsatt for underliggende markedsforhold. Ovenstående er kun gitt som veiledende formål. Kunder anbefales å sjekke viktige nyhetsbrev i vår økonomiske kalender, som blant annet kan føre til utvidelse av spreads.

Faste spreads skal bare gjelde for "Instant-ordrer". Alle andre ordretyper skal være underlagt ordre-executionpolicyen.


Monero is a cryptocurrency with infinite emission and the ability to conduct anonymous transactions using CryptoNote technology. In 2012, the capitalisation of coins amounted to $8 billion and still continues to grow. All this provided the coin with popularity and brought it to the TOP-20 altcoins of the world. You can mine XMR on video cards or processors.

The algorithm of operations in Monero is built as follows: the transfer is sent not from a specific person but from the whole group, whose data is entered into the blockchain. Only the recipient, the owner of the one-time wallet, can decrypt the transaction by providing the correct key and receiving the funds. Thus, it becomes impossible to determine the transfer amount and the identity of the two parties, and the individual transaction history is not defined. That happens thanks to Stealth technology.

Against the background of other digital assets, the XMR cryptocurrency is primarily distinguished by protecting users' privacy in all transactions and a special algorithm directed against ASIC miners.

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